
Computer Vision for Brick n' Mortar Retail


Android Application


/01 - Overview


Focal Systems Summary

Focal Systems is a startup aiming to tackle some of the most common problems in retail: tracking on-hand inventory, product availability, product replenishment, and wasted labor/time. They do this by taking their proprietary, small, battery-operated cameras and installing hundreds of them in a given store. The cameras take close-up photos of all products on shelves in the store once every hour.

I spent 5 months embedded in the Focal System team focusing on ensuring our product supported the needs of our new small retail partners (<5 locations) by improving our Action Tool (Android app for stockers) & Impact Tool (Management).

Project Goals

• "Become an expert in retail" to better design and advocate for store associates and managers."
• Make the Action Tool (mobile app shown above) easier to use for store associates.
• Help retail store associates adopt our system and support new pilot stores

Project Outcomes

• Refined Action Tool that is easier to navigate and provides feedback to user after they perform actions

Role, Team & Timing

• My Role: Product Designer
• Other Team: CEO, CPO, Customer Success Lead
• Varying timelines per feature/initiative

/02 - What is Focal Sytems

Focal Systems is a very unique company, all based around their proprietary on-shelf grocery cameras which photograph every shelf in a retailer once an hour. Then, their computer vision model determines exactly what products are in stock, out of stock, running low, and out. 



/03 - Goal 1: Learn Retail

I started by familiarizing myself with grocery retail and understanding the in's and out's of an average employee. I visited a grocery store twice a week working alongside employees to learn Focal's tools, retailers' procedures, and ultimately the industry and the needs of Focal's users.


/04 - Goal 2: Improve Action Tool

What is the Action Tool?

  • The "Action Tool" is the main Focal tool that regular store associates use 

  • It runs on an Android device equipped with a laser UPC scanner

  • The tool enables employees to see out of stock items, backroom inventory that can fit on shelves, and product details.

Improvement 1: Reduce navigation size. Only 64% of screen was showing content, the rest was wasted.

The New Navigation used 40% less screen space and incorporated minimum touch targets of 40px x 40px. Also added persistent yellow markers on side of screens which would show where the physical device scanner button was making it easier for smaller-handed users.


Improvement 2: Redesign action cards

Notable Improvements Include:
• New card designs made one-handed operation easier for users
Incorporated swipeable gestures that made access to information easier
Reduced card height so entire card would be visible on screen instead of being cut off
Added grocery product thumbnail to card so user could clearly see product needing restocking instead of just the empty space on the shelf


Improvement 3: Designed an IMS for our smaller retail partners that didn't have one before.


Improvement 4: Other Random Enhancements & Designs



Please reach out if you any projects or roles you think I might be interested in. 


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